I know…I am behind, but here ya go!

How far along? 36 weeks & 1 day!
How am I feeling? Exhausted. I have never rested so much but been so exhausted in my life. And if I hear “just wait until baby comes” one more time I might scream. I know, but I can also guess with a high certainty that it will be a different type of exhaustion.
Total weight gain/loss: 22lbs
Maternity clothes? Yes.
Stretch marks? Yes. Same ones I have had. They have gotten slightly bigger, but I have been quite surprised I don’t have more.
Sleep: It comes and goes. Some nights are definitely better than others.
Exercise: Nada. I am on pretty strict rest orders. More on that below.
Best moment this week/since last update: Definitely having Daddy home!! Yes, since my last update, we welcomed Dan home from a 6 month deployment. You guys, this man has absolutely blown me away with how he has jumped right in. He has been the best husband and most loving father already.
Movement: All the time. Although this little guy likes to take long naps and worry Mama at times. Movement is different now. It’s more of a roll, stretch, or bulging of his butt than kicks.
Food cravings: Nothing particular. Fruit if I had to say something.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Night time? I have been getting pretty nauseous again. Starts in the middle of the night and goes until about noon or so the next day.
Have you started to show yet: We are way past that.
Labor Signs: Too many. I started having braxton hicks around 28/29 weeks I think? They were very random. But at 33 weeks they started coming daily. Then hourly. Then they turned into full blown contractions. I’ve been put on house arrest pretty much with the orders to lay down as soon as I hit 4 within an hour. Well, let’s just say that doesn’t take long. I’m just so glad to be reaching “term” (here term is considered 37 weeks) and this little guy is showing positive signs of breathing, so if he comes now, he shouldn’t have any premie related complications.
Belly Button in or out? It’s still kinda weird and in an in-between stage.
What I miss? Feeling normal. That’s the best way to describe it. I am exhausted. And not in the sense that I haven’t had sleep, but my body is just really tired. My heart has been in overdrive for quite a while and the constant feeling of my heart racing and shortness of breath is really taxing. BUTTTTT we are in the home-stretch and this little man has remained healthy through it all, so I cannot complain!
What I’m loving? Our life. As hard as this pregnancy has been, I get little glimpses of what our life is going to be like when Caden arrives and I couldn’t be more excited.
What I am looking forward to? Do you even have to ask?
Wedding rings on or off? Still off. The swelling is just too much.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy most of the time. Frustrated some of the time. And a complete mess a small percentage of the time. Let me tell you, seeing only the inside of your house, your car, or the doctor’s office for a month will make a person want to go crazy. And yes, I know that it could be much worse. I’ve been reminded of that many times…but hello, it’s still not fun. At least the Olympics were on though! 🙂
Weekly Wisdom: Hmm…don’t think I have anything today.
Milestones: almost term!

Other updates:

Caden is doing really well!! We started NST’s (non stress tests where they monitor his movements and heart rate) at 32 weeks. I go twice a week and during one of the appointments I also have an ultrasound to check his fluid and breathing.  For the most part he has done well. I have had to stay for extended monitoring a few times because his heart rate was all over the place. We had quite the scare one appointment but after a couple hours things settled down and all was well. He likes to keeps us on our toes, that’s for sure!

We also had his 36 week growth scan and he is measuring 10 days ahead (although, we are arguing that’s his actual due date and have from the beginning, but the doctor’s aren’t chaining it) and weights just at 6lbs (53rd percentile). But…the poor boys head is measuring 39 weeks. Ouch!

Me: I posted briefly on FB a couple weeks ago that there was a mix-up with my heart medication. That was not so fun to find out, but I am thankful my cardiologist caught it when she did. For about 3-4 weeks I was on half the dosage and my rates were going higher and higher. After a few days, I was back to my pregnancy normal. It still spikes at times, but between that and the contractions, I rest a lot anyways. I am also having some higher blood pressures and actually having to go through a pre-eclampsia workout right now. The did all the tests today so I am waiting on results. In the mean time I get to drive to Madigan for the next 5 days for blood pressure checks. I literally live at that place. I will be there 6/7 days this week and 3/7 at least next week. I should probably just pitch a tent until Caden arrives. Prayers that those tests would come back negative are much appreciated!

Dan: First, I just have to brag on this man. I didn’t give him nearly enough credit. He has been the most amazing husband and Daddy since the minute he stepped off the plane from deployment. I am planning to do another blog post on this at another time. For now, several have asked about what’s next for Dan so I figured I would do a quick update. First, he is home (knock on wood), until Caden comes. There have been two trips he was assigned to but thankfully his squadron leadership has done everything in their power to keep him home. I am so incredibly thankful to them for that. After Caden arrives, Dan will get 10-14 days of paternity leave and then he is eligible to leave after that, which we expect to happen. He has also been given dates for IP school that will come shortly after but I don’t want to share those details on here. As for the always asked question, “When you are guys moving?” We don’t know. It could be next spring, it could be 2018 (this is what Dan is aiming for). When we know, we will let you know! Otherwise, Dan has done well adjusting back to the swing of things after deployment. He is flying a lot and getting recurrent from not flying for 6 months.

That’s a lot of info! But honestly, as crazy as this has been and as crazy as this week has gotten with potential blood pressure issues, the end is near and that means we get to hold this precious boy in our arms so so soon! As always, we are so thankful for your support and your prayers!

Ohh….and because I haven’t taken a single photo in a couple of months, here are a few from our maternity session! I was 31 weeks during these photos. I am so thankful to my sweet friend, Tiffany Burke with Tiffany Burke Photography for taking these photos for us before the craziness began! I look up to Tiffany as a photographer and a human – seriously, there is not a person more selfless or more full of life than her. Tiffany, thank you for capturing this season of life for us. We will treasure these photos forever. We love you and cannot wait for you to take Caden’s newborn photos!

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28/29 WEEKS!!

How far along? 28 weeks, 3 days! HELLO THIRD TRIMESTER!!! (Oops. I forgot to post this! 29 weeks today…but not much as changed!)
How am I feeling? Exhausted. Itchy. Out of breath and a constant racing heart.  The last few days have been a little rough, but we are managing. Overall, I am doing pretty well!
Total weight gain/loss: 10 lbs @ 28 week appointment.
Maternity clothes? Yes.
Stretch marks? Same. Nothing new.
Sleep: Sleep is slightly better…mostly because all I seem to want to do is sleep. I’ve taken a couple naps the last few days.
Exercise: Walking and yoga when my heart allows.
Best moment this week: The last week has been full of “best moments.” My mother in law came to visit and let me tell you, I am so blessed! She went above and beyond to help get things ready for Caden so that there would be less to do once Daddy gets home. Then, my amazing WA family threw me a beautiful baby shower. Ladies – THANK YOU. And yesterday I got to see Caden at his 28 week growth scan (more on that below) and got a great report!
Movement: YES! This little man is kicking up a storm. He likes to punch me too – caught that on the ultrasound!
Food cravings: Anything cold, especially cold fruit.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Have you started to show yet: We are way past that.
Labor Signs: Noooo. Wayyy too early! I have a few braxton hicks here and there.
Belly Button in or out? It’s still kinda weird and in an in-between stage.
What I miss? My husband and my family. Oh, and being able to bend over. The struggle is getting real you guys!
What I’m loving? The fact that it’s JULY!!!
What I am looking forward to? SEEING MY HUSBAND!!!
Wedding rings on or off? Still off. The swelling is just too much.
Happy or Moody most of the time: I’ve had a few more “moodier” days recently. Mostly things like not being able to bend over, not having any shoes that fit me because my feet or swollen, or realizing that shirts that were too big last week barely even fit this week….can you see the trend? Stuff got real this past week. HA! Otherwise, I am pretty happy. I’ll probably be acting like a kid on crack for the next couple of weeks. You have been warned. 🙂
Weekly Wisdom: STOP telling women that they are “really pregnant.” Whether you mean it or not – it translates to “wow, you are huge” and let’s be real….not ok.
Milestones: THIRD TRIMESTER + IT’S JULY!!!! 

Other updates: I had Caden’s growth scan yesterday. It went really well for the most part. I have questioned my “due date” from the beginning mostly because I am pretty certain of when this little guy was conceived, but my original ultrasound (at 5 weeks) showed it being 8-10 days different so they went with that date.  Well wouldn’t ya know, Caden is measuring about 10 days ahead. He weights a little over 3 lbs and is in the 87th percentile. First, let me say PRAISE GOD! Our little man is growing and that is what is most important. NO signs of growth restriction. But…there is also a need to be pretty accurate with my due date, so we will be watching it and it may change. Stay tuned! Ohh….and because Caden is growing well and not much has changed with me, my doctor said that we can have a break from appointments until 32 weeks! THAT MEANS THREE WEEKS OF NO DOCTOR APPOINTMENTS!!!! You guys, I have been to the doctor at least once if not multiple times a week, almost every week since I was 5.5 weeks pregnant. Starting at 32 weeks we will start going 2-3 times a week for NSTs (non-stress tests), fluid checks, ultrasounds, and OB visits


Here are a few pictures from my baby shower! My sweet friend Moch surprised me and took these photos! Be sure to check out her work at Jon and Moch Photography because she is an AMAZING photographer, woman, and friend! Thank you, Moch!

I also want to thank each of the ladies that played a role in making this baby shower possible. Megan, Jillianne, Esha, Ashley, and Andrea – thank you! From the decor to the food and games, you ladies outdid yourselves. THANK YOU! To my mother in law, JoAnne, thank you for traveling all of this way to support me and Caden. You are already an amazing Grammy. Cathi, thank you for taking time to help Megan during your visit with her. Your help with various things throughout your visit means so much to me and my little family. To the rest of the ladies that came and to those that couldn’t…I couldn’t have gotten through the last six months of this pregnancy without you. Your friendship, support, and prayers have meant the world to me. It truly does take a village and I have the best. THANK YOU!

Luara Ryan - Baby Shower (4 of 34) Luara Ryan - Baby Shower (7 of 34) Luara Ryan - Baby Shower (12 of 34) Luara Ryan - Baby Shower (33 of 34)-1Luara Ryan - Baby Shower (19 of 34)-1Luara Ryan - Baby Shower (24 of 34)-1Luara Ryan - Baby Shower (27 of 34) Luara Ryan - Baby Shower (25 of 34)



I know, I know…I am three weeks behind. Sorry! Things have been kinda crazy around here.


How far along? 27 weeks!! Crazyyyy, right?
How am I feeling? Every day is a little bit different, but overall I feel pretty good. The fatigue is certainly picking up which I am sure is a combination of just being pregnant and not getting very good sleep. My heart rate continues to be high but we are managing my symptoms and honestly, kinda just getting used to it and accepting it as my new normal. I have also been dealing with a lot of itching. And when I say itching, I mean EXTREME itching. It came on fairly suddenly almost two weeks ago now and originally thought it was something I ate. But after no relief and it only getting worse I ended up making a trip to labor and delivery. They were clueless. It continued and two days later saw my OB and he had some concerns that it was more than a food allergy. The results from the tests he wanted to run take two weeks to come back and are still pending. I’m trying not to worry too much about it, so that’s all I’ll say for now, but as always your continued prayers are very much appreciated.
Total weight gain/loss: 7 lbs (maybe slightly more – that was a week ago).
Maternity clothes? Yes.
Stretch marks? Same. Nothing new.
Sleep: What’s that? Caden still likes to party at 3am and refuses to let me sleep on my left side. It’s a constant battle to get comfortable.
Exercise: Walking and yoga when my heart allows.
Best moment this week: It’s been a couple of weeks since I have updated so I’ll tell you a little bit about our trip to Cape Kiwanda, Oregon. My friend Megan and I went to get away for a couple of days. It was truly paradise. Megan commented that it was even more beautiful than places she had been in Hawaii. Seriously…it was breathtaking. Megan was also beyond good to me and took some maternity photos while we were there! Thank you Megan, I’ll treasure those images for years to come! You should also go check out here work at Megan Montalvo Photography!
Movement: YES! So much and it’s pretty consistent now!
Food cravings: Nothing new. I still love me some strawberry ice cream but the intense craving for it has subsided (for now).
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Have you started to show yet: We are way past that.
Labor Signs: Noooo. Wayyy too early! But I am about 95% sure I had my first braxton hicks last night…multiple actually.
Belly Button in or out? Neither? Sometimes it’s more in and sometimes it’s pretty flat. I am waiting for it to just come out any day now.
What I miss? My husband and my family. It’s been so long since I have seen any of them. I wish so badly I could share in some of these memories with them.
What I’m loving? Feeling this little guy move more and more.
What I am looking forward to? My mother in law comes to visit in a couple of days and my baby shower is on Saturday! ANDDDDDD something else but I can’t tell you yet! 🙂
Wedding rings on or off? Still off. I try every day but the swelling is just not going to allow it.
Happy or Moody most of the time: I’m still pretty happy but also having days here and there where I know I am on the verge or losing it…although I am not so sure that’s pregnancy related so much as it is just really missing my husband. See a trend here? But it’s going to be over soon! PRAISE JESUS!
Weekly Wisdom: Everyone should have a dog and live in WA. I’m convinced they have to be easier than 10 newborns. Okay, not really…but seriously…these two are OUT OF CONTROL lately. Who wants a dog?
Milestones: Ladies and gentlemen……we bought a crib. Now, that may seem like a normal thing to do, but for two people that can’t agree on anything when it comes to furniture or decorating, this is what we call a milestone! HA!

I think that’s all for now! Back to OB on Friday and then we have another growth ultrasound next week.

Have a wonderful week and I’ll be sure to update as we know more or I decide to take another picture!


*Note these photos are from 25 weeks but not much has changed. Also note…pregnancy is good for the hair they say, but this is all due to my talented friend, Jackie Peterson, of Jacqueline Marie Studios. She needed a hair model for extensions so I get to sport this look for a few months! 

24 WEEKS!!


How far along? 24 weeks, 5 days!!
How am I feeling? HOT!!!!! Goodness, it’s 93 degrees today and not having AC + being pregnant is just cruel. But otherwise, I am feeling pretty good. Energy comes and goes, but that’s to be expected. Heart update below.
Total weight gain/loss: Officially up 4-5 pounds from pre-pregnancy.
Maternity clothes? Yes.
Stretch marks? Same. Nothing new, just a few on my breasts.
Sleep: What’s that? Caden likes to party at night! Some nights I am getting decent sleep, only up 2-3 times to pee. Other times I am up at 2am and if I fall back asleep around 5 for a couple hours I consider that a good night. Last night Caden decided that I was no longer allowed to sleep on my left side which is the only comfortable way for me to sleep lately. Every time I would lay on my side he would burry himself in my side and go to town kicking me. He would stop as soon as I rolled to my back but then if I rolled to my side again he would start back up. We went back and forth doing that about 5 times and he finally won. Silly boy!
Exercise: Walking and yoga when my heart allows.
Best moment this week: It’s been a couple of weeks since I have updated and there has been a lot of “best moments!” Feeling Caden move is always awesome, but being able to capture it on video to send to Dan is pretty special. I’ve also photographed 2 births in the last few weeks and being pregnant, it takes on a whole new meaning. Caden was a great cheerleader and cooperated nicely for Mama!
Movement: YES! So much.
Food cravings: Strawberry milkshakes. The struggle is real but I have limited myself to one a week. That’s pretty good, right?
Anything making you queasy or sick: No, but the heartburn is in full effect and it made me pretty sick last night.
Have you started to show yet: We are way past that.
Labor Signs: Noooo. Wayyy too early!
Belly Button in or out? Neither? Sometimes it’s more in and sometimes it’s pretty flat. I am waiting for it to just come out any day now.
What I miss? The same as usual. My husband, sleep, and wearing my wedding ring.
What I’m loving? The fact that it’s June and I can officially say NEXT MONTH I will see my husband! 🙂
What I am looking forward to? The above! 🙂 And hopefully making some progress on Caden’s nursery.
Wedding rings on or off? OFF. I am officially looking 15, not married, and pregnant (oh yeah, a nurse at the last birth I photographed asked if I was old enough to drive. Apparently she didn’t see my huge stomach and I look questionably younger than 16). But I had a pretty scary incident where my fingers swelled so bad I lost feeling in my finger and it was starting to turn colors. 10 minutes later I got the ring off and it’s not going back on.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Depends on who you ask? HA! I definitely have my moments, but I think I am pretty happy for the most part.
Weekly Wisdom: I don’t think I have anything for ya!
Milestones: My doctor has starting asking about my birth plan and I was given my hospital admission papers. That made things a little more real.

Heart update: oh my what a whirlwind this has been. I finally had my appointment with my cardiologist this past Thursday to get the results of all of my tests. As we suspected, my rate is very high and consistently spikes with minimal activity. My doctor said based off of my numbers she would normally recommend doubling my dose. However, increasing the dosage anymore would impose more risks on Caden. We went over several options, she looked at the current literature and consulted with the other cardiologists,  and ultimately we decided that I would maintain my current dosage, take it easy as much as I can, and trust that it’s not going to get worse as we get further into the pregnancy. When I see my OB this week we will talk about it a little further and try to get a better understanding of what’s going on with Caden when my rate is up. That’s still the question that noone can seem to really answer for us. But overall, even as scary as all of this sounds at times, we are both truly doing okay given our situation. We know that we serve a good God and He has been faithful in His promises, and we choose to trust in that! Oh, and let’s be honest, this little man is kicking me up a storm so he’s doing pretty good in there! 🙂

I think that’s all for now? As always, thank you for your continued prayers and for checking on us. We are so thankful for the support system we have, near and far!



How far along? 21 weeks, 5 days!!
How am I feeling? Tired. So tired. But other than that I am feeling pretty good!! I’ve started having a lot of hip/lower back discomfort over the last couple weeks. I am seeing my chiropractor and he thinks I have a pinched nerve. It comes and goes but it’s definitely worse after sitting for a while or after my photoshoots. I have a brace to wear to see if it helps, so we will see.
Total weight gain/loss: I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight + 1 lb
Maternity clothes? Yes.
Stretch marks? Yes. Breast growth = stretch marks.
Sleep: Not so good. It’s taking me longer to fall asleep. I am also waking up more through the night and finding it hard to go back to sleep.
Exercise: Still limited to walking. I have started doing some yoga to help with my lower back/hip discomfort.
Best moment this week: Oh goodness, this week was filled with a lot of exciting moments! On Mother’s Day Caden decided to give me his first good movement. I felt him maybe twice? Then the next day it was like a switch was flipped and he went wild. Seriously. It started about 11:30 at night and for a good two hours I just watched my belly because you could see it. So of course we sent Dad a nice little video of little man kicking me. I think he was pretty proud. Ha!
Movement: YES! It’s quite possibly the strangest but most miraculous thing I have went through so far.
Food cravings: I still crave hamburgers. I also NEEDED pizza this week. Specifically Papa John’s crust with garlic sauce.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Chicken is still hit or miss. I have found I can eat small amounts of it but too much at once or too many meals in a row and it doesn’t go well.
Have you started to show yet: Weeks ago.
Labor Signs: Noooo. Wayyy too early!
Belly Button in or out? In. But it’s definitely changing.
What I miss? The same as usual. My husband, sleeping on my stomach, and working out. I really miss my gym girls!
What I’m loving? The rain this weekend! It was a nice break from the spring weather.
What I am looking forward to? Getting this heart monitor off tomorrow! It’s been two weeks and it’s quite the hassle to shower and it just itches ALL the time.
Wedding rings on or off? On during the day and off at night (this was a norm pre-pregnancy…my hands like to swell at night).
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy most of the time. I did have a fairly stressful week and I found myself getting more upset than I normally would. All is good now. I think I got it out of my system…or at least for now!
Weekly Wisdom: Not sure I have anything? Any wise tips you want to share? 
Milestones: We have officially crossed the half-way point!

Other updates: Caden and I have had a busy week! This past Monday was his growth ultrasound. Let me just tell you….God answers prayers AND then some. We have been praying that Caden would be big because the doctors have prepared us for a small, growth restricted baby. Well, ladies and gentlemen, Caden weighed 1lb 1oz putting him in the 98th percentile for being 21 weeks. Let’s just say I have reevaluated my prayers and now we are just asking for a healthy baby….dropping the “big” detail. Ha! In all seriousness though, it was a huge relief. The doctors told us that he was likely going through a growth spirt and not actually that big, but more importantly, they could be confident in knowing he isn’t showing any signs of restriction at this point. That can change at any point and he will continue to be monitored closely, but we are claiming the victory for now! The rest of his ultrasound looked great. We were told going in that they may or may not be able to get a good look at his heart this early, but they were able to see everything. The next growth ultrasound is at 28 weeks!

I just love this little guy!!! He loves to suck on his hand and he does not like to give it up! The tech had to move him around for a good 10 minutes to get him to move his hands so she could measure them. Silly boy!

As for me and my heart rate control, I am still going through testing. I had my echo last week and I have had the zio heart patch on for almost two weeks now (it gets sent off tomorrow and takes two weeks to get the results back). My rate it still fairly high but I am learning to control it or at least manage the symptoms. I also got a call that my doctor wants me to see an electrophysiologist as well. We played phone tag on Friday so I will just touch base with on Monday. I don’t know much right now but will update as I get the results back.

What’s next? Lots of appointments. This little guy keeps me busy!

I think that’s all for now. Thank you all for your prayers. We can feel them and we are so thankful for each and every one of you. Your messages, calls, and visits mean so much.