High-Risk Status

Several have asked so I thought I would go ahead and share a bit about my high-risk status and the most recent update from my doctors.

In short, I am high-risk due to my medical history of complicated migraines and heart arrhythmia/high rates. Since early 2012 I was on separate medications, but back in 2014, after attempting to come off of both and having complications, I was put on metoprolol in hopes it would control both. For the first time in years my rate remained stable and my migraines were far less frequent. At the end of 2014 we met with my neurologist, cardiologist, and maternal fetal medicine (MFM) specialists and was given the “green light” to try to conceive. We were also told the benefits outweighed the risks and the decision was made to stay on metoprolol.

So what are the risks? We aren’t 100% sure and there is no absolute way of knowing, but the doctors have told us that they will primarily be looking for Caden to have growth restriction and to go into beta blockade (low heart rate, difficult breathing, and/or low blood sugars) as we get closer to his birth.

We have been being monitored every 2 weeks (sometimes more) since week 6 of my pregnancy. Now that I am 20 weeks (tomorrow), the doctors can start monitoring Caden’s growth better. Starting at 26-28 weeks (will depend on next weeks ultrasound), he will have a weekly growth scan and starting at 32 weeks I will go in twice a week. Caden will also have at least one, maybe two, fetal echoes (ultrasound of his heart) done. So far he is looking good. We will know more next week and I will update then.

I mentioned in my last update that the doctors were concerned with my heart rate. I saw my cardiologist last week and they decided to do some additional testing. So today I had an echo (ultrasound) and also got a lovely (not!) zio patch placed. I will wear the patch which is essentially a heart rate monitor for two weeks. It will take a couple of weeks to get those results back and from there we will determine if we need to increase my medication. I have requested to not change it in order to avoid exposing to Caden to more of it, but they cannot be sure that my constant high rate isn’t causing problems for Caden. These tests along with his ultrasound next week should give us a better idea.

That’s about all we know so far. Overall, we are both doing well and know that even before we knew Caden, God did and He has the perfect plan for his life! We truly appreciate each of your prayers and ask that you continue to keep praying for our little family.

Ohhhh…the echo tech was so sweet today and let me see Caden at the end. It wasn’t the best quality but he was sucking on his arm and his little heart was beating away within normal ranges. It definitely eased my mind and was a sweet surprise to see him today!




18 WEEKS!!

A huge thanks to my awesome friend, Megan, for taking this photo for me yesterday! I have really slacked on doing these weekly.

How far along? 18 weeks, 6 days!!
How am I feeling? It still changes daily, but for the most part this week has been a complete 180 from previous weeks. I started the week off with a crazy amount of energy and felt the best I have felt since finding out I was pregnant. The following two days I was pretty miserable and didn’t have any energy. But overall, I am only getting sick once or twice a day and some days not at all.
Total weight gain/loss: I have gained a couple of pounds back but still sitting right below pre-pregnancy weight. I was actually pretty shocked at my appointment on Friday. I was sure I had gained too much in a short time because my belly has popped even more and I can’t get enough food.
Maternity clothes? Yes.
Stretch marks? Yes. And instead of saying “let’s not talk about it,” I am giving you the truth. More on this later. But for the record, I’m okay with them.
Sleep: Not so good. I really jinxed myself last week.
Exercise: Still limited to walking. 
Best moment this week: Feeling flutters. And yes, I am sure they are flutters and not gas (sorry TMI for some of you, but there is a distinct difference). Also, I have to say having the energy to clean my house was really nice too. Ohh….and how can I forget? I ate chicken AND it didn’t have me on the floor violently sick.
Movement: Flutters! Waiting patiently not for movement.
Food cravings: I still crave hamburgers and pasta. But my goodness….I woke up last Monday morning NEEDING a grilled hotdog (specifically with chili, mustard, and onions) and my neighbors potato salad. Thank God she loves me and made it for me that night! I may have ate on it for four days after.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Eggs? I haven’t been able to cook them until this week which I was pretty excited about, but shortly after eating them on two different occasions I got pretty sick. I’ve also noticed that candles and flowers are way too strong for me right now.
Have you started to show yet: Weeks ago.
Labor Signs: Noooo. Wayyy too early!
Belly Button in or out? In.
What I miss? My husband. Sleeping on my stomach.
What I’m loving? Having more energy and the sunshine. PEOPLE, it’s finally sunny in WA!
What I am looking forward to? Feeling this little one move!
Wedding rings on or off? On during the day and off at night (this was a norm pre-pregnancy…my hands like to swell at night).
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy. Although I woke up pretty moody for the first time yesterday. I am blaming that on the lack of sleep and horrible dreams.
Weekly Wisdom: Remember that dreams are dreams…even when you wake up crying hysterically. Yes, that happened this week.
Milestones: Less vomiting? Not so sure that’s a milestone, but I am pretty excited to cross that off the list!

Other updates: I saw my OB this week for my 18 week appointment. He was much happier with how I looked and my heart rate. It’s still really inconsistent and higher than we would like so I will still meet with cardiology this week (Thursday). Several have asked questions and I have debated what I would share and what I would not, but I think I am going to do another post explaining a little bit about my high-risk status and what it means for Caden. For now, we are both doing well and trusting God’s will for this pregnancy and Caden’s health.

I think that’s all for now. Thank you all for your continued prayers!


17 WEEKS & IT’S A….BOY!!!

Wow! How am I 17 weeks already? The first few weeks seemed like they were never going to end, but looking back time has actually went by rather fast. More on that in a later post this week. But for now…here’s a little 17 week update for you!

How far along?
 17 weeks!
How am I feeling? That changes every day and some times every hour. But overall, I am feeling much better than I was two weeks ago and having days were I feel remotely “normal.” The relentless nausea and morning/day/night sickness has subsided enough to where I have been able to go without phenegran. I am still needing my zofran about once a day and continue with the b6/unisom at night. I’m hoping to cut that out completely soon! Otherwise, my OB and cardiologist are addressing some heart rate concerns and trying to figure out my new normal. For now we haven’t changed my heart medication but that may change soon. So far Caden doesn’t seem to be affected by it, but they are watching both of us closely.
Total weight gain/loss: still down a few pounds from pre-pregnancy…although I may have gained all of that and then some after our weekend in Portland!
Maternity clothes? Yes. As of this week pretty much everything is maternity.
Stretch marks?  Let’s not go there.
Sleep: Yes. I can’t get enough. People keep looking at me like I am crazy…as sick as I have been, baby is giving me the best sleep of my life!
Exercise: Very little. I am limited to walking right now.
Best moment this week: Finding out the gender! We are having a boy – Caden Hayes Ryan! But the best part was being able to have Dan on live stream for the ultrasound. I usually have to tell him what is said/seen and sometimes have a picture for him, but this was his first time seeing Caden himself! Also, my sister flew in to spend the week with me and it was wonderful having her there for that moment. Then, after my ultrasound, we went down to Portland to meet up with my grandparents. We celebrated and it was a great weekend!



Have you told family and friends: Oh yes!
Movement: Nothing I can feel yet, although I swear I’ve felt a few flutters. I have an anterior placenta and was told that I probably won’t feel him for a while longer and it won’t be as strong. I’m curious if anyone else has had an anterior placenta and when you finally felt movement? 
Food cravings: Hamburgers and fries. I have had more food aversions than I have cravings.
Anything making you queasy or sick: The grocery store in general…it ends bad every time. Artificial sweet stuff. Some fruit is okay but even that’s too sweet at times.
Have you started to show yet: Weeks ago.
Gender prediction: For weeks I was sure it was a girl…but definitely ALL boy and couldn’t be happier!
Labor Signs: Noooo. Wayyy too early!
Belly Button in or out? In.
What I miss? My husband.
What I’m loving? SLEEP!!!
What I am looking forward to? Feeling this little one move!
Wedding rings on or off? On during the day. Off at night (this was a norm pre-pregnancy…my hands like to swell at night).
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy. Lots of exciting stuff going on despite the crazy sickness! Although I’ve found I am much more emotional….commercials, sweet posts, a song, and other random things just make me cry. Usually happy stuff, but it hit me out of no where this week.
Weekly Wisdom: Take each day one day at a time. Cliche, but seriously…each day has been so different and I want to enjoy each moment with this sweet boy of ours!
Milestones: Some major growth and I am feeling it!

A huge thank you to Mother Nurture 3D/4D Ultrasound for an amazing experience and such great pictures of Caden! I also owe a huge thank you to my sweet friend Megan for capturing so many moments for me during this pregnancy and for being there to video the ultrasound today. Megan, you have went above and beyond and I am extremely thankful for you!


He really loved having his hand up by his head. Too funny!

