5, 6, 7, and 8 months!

My sweet handsome boy, your Mama is REALLY late behind with these blog posts. Forgive me, please? Okay, now that we have that out of the way…let’s talk about how fast time is flying, how quickly you are growing and doing new things, and how much fun you are becoming! I’m not entirely sure how much you weigh right now or how long you are, but at 7 months you were just over 17lbs and 28.5 inches. I attempted to way your wiggly self at home the day and you were just over 18 pounds. Either way, you are growing nice and strong! You are all over the places with clothes. Depending on the store and brand you wear anywhere from 6 month (skinny boy) to 18 month (long legs).


Months 4-7 were tough on you. You had colds, sinus infections, ear infections, many trips to the doctor, and one scary trip to the ER because you were reacting to your antibiotics. After that the doctors were hesitant to give you anything else, but after 3 months of it not clearing up, we did another round of antibiotics and you have been a new baby since then! You started gaining weight again, eating solids (more on that in a minute), and overall just a lot happier! Your smile lights up the room and the cutest little dimples. You have also started pressing your lips together and it’s my favorite little face you make! And ohhhhh do you have an attitude, I mean personality! ha! You know what you want, you are already fiercely independent, and you love exploring what’s around you. You can get anywhere you want rolling and army crawling. You are so close to crawling and you also are starting to pull up on things.

You love the bath, especially sitting in there like a big boy now so you can splash! You love to play with your friend Lincoln and adore your Auntie Lisa. You love your books and your balls. You made your first cross-country flight (with Daddy!) and did so good. You met a lot of family and will soon meet more! I hope you continue to travel well and love it as much as Mama and Daddy. You are trying to play with the dogs more and more and it’s quite hilarious when you get mad at them. You talk all of the time, have the sweetest giggle, and you are constantly growling which is absolutely hilarious. You love food – there isn’t anything we have found that you do not like. You are still nursing despite the challenges we have also had there over the last few months. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do, but also the greatest thing I’ve been able to do for you.

You are learning what it’s like to have a Daddy in the military. It’s hard and I can see that in you already, but I also see a resilient little boy that knows when Daddy is home. Your excitement melts our hearts and somehow it makes it all okay. Goodness, do you love your daddy! You two are becoming quite the pals. You love to sleep on him and it makes Mama a little jealous, but I adore the bond you two have.

My goodness, being your Mama is full of adventure, joy, and a lot of lessons learned. The last 4 months has taught us both so much, and with each passing day, I love you more and more. Well, it’s almost time to set off on our next adventure. More on our next cross country trip in the next update!

We cannot wait to see what all you do next month! We love you more than you will ever know. Always and forever.


Mama and Daddy

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