9, 10, and 11 MONTHS!

My sweet, handsome boy, how are you 11 months old today? Time is flying and you are growing even quicker. These last few months have been so much fun watching you grow into your little body and personality. You are around 20lbs now according to our home scale and you are wearing anywhere between 9-18 month clothes.

^ I still cannot believe I formatted my card over your 9 month photos and cannot get them back 🙁 but at least we have some pretty special photos and memories from your 9th month! A big thank you to Audrey with Audrey Rose Photography for this photo!


In the last few months you have learned to crawl, walk holding onto things (you have taken a few steps unassisted too!), go down the stairs, and how to get off the bed/couch. Don’t worry, Mama doesn’t let you do it alone because you are already showing signs of having the lack of grace I have. You fall A LOT, but you always get back up and keep going. You have quite the attitude and get mad at your walker a lot. I mean, I’m with you, it’s totally the walkers fault you fall, but take it easy on the poor toy! You would play in your dresser drawers all day if I’d let you. Just start cleaning up the mess, okay? You are also starting to learn boundaries and you certainly try to push them. I am going to credit your Dad for that stubbornness. Okay, kidding, you get it from Mama too.

You love to play in the water. Goodness, do you love it. You are always skeptical at first but then you get made when we take you out. You love to observe people but get a little overwhelmed in big crowds. I secretly don’t mind because it means you will snuggle in close to me.

We went on another cross country trip and once again, you handled the flights almost better than I did! Your Aunt Kelsey and Uncle Sam got married and you were quite the handsome little fella in your suspenders! You got to meet several of your cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and great grandparents. You also got to meet your Mama’s best friend, Auntie Lizro and Uncle Tuck. Funny story, their last name is your middle name! I’ll never forget these memories and getting to introduce you to the people that matter most in our lives!

 you also love the lovey that Auntie Lizro got you!

Your first word was ma-ma-ma-ma and I’ll never forget that moment. I’ll also never forget the look on your Daddy’s face when you snuggled up beside him in bed and said DA-DA for the first time. You haven’t stopped saying it since and I have to remind you to say Mama sometimes. You also say a couple of words I won’t mention here, let’s just say you have let me know when your diaper needs changed and when you want to nurse. You say hello, bye-bye, and ball. You also have the sweetest waive and you get so excited. You have learned to sign all done and sometimes you sign more, but more often than not, you just start screaming and give another meaning to the word HANGRY. Speaking of food, you love to eat everything besides meat. Although, you apparently like to make your Mama look crazy and not eat certain foods when you go to Aunt Lisa. I’ve had to take a video to prove that you devour your peas at home. You silly boy!

As exciting as the past 3 months have been, we have also had a couple scary days. One day as you were sitting on the floor playing, I realized you were turning blue. Your entire chest and stomach where so blue. That landed us in the childrens ER pretty quickly. You gave us all a scare but everything checked out and we left with the assumption that you just wanted to be a smurf for the day. Don’t you know they make costumes for that kind of thing? Don’t worry folks, I know I joke, but he’s totally healthy so we just continue to watch for any other signs. 

One month. One month until you are ONE. How? Some days I am still in disbelief that you are ours and that you are really here. I’m just so thankful that God chose me to be your Mama and your Daddy to be your Daddy. You scored big there, kiddo! I cannot wait to see what this next month brings us!

We love you more than you will ever know. Always and forever.


Mama and Daddy



One thought on “9, 10, and 11 MONTHS!

  1. That’s one ADORABLE grandson I have there. A blessed as you feel to be his mommy…I feel just as blessed to be his grandmamma ❤
    I love you all so much!

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