28/29 WEEKS!!

How far along? 28 weeks, 3 days! HELLO THIRD TRIMESTER!!! (Oops. I forgot to post this! 29 weeks today…but not much as changed!)
How am I feeling? Exhausted. Itchy. Out of breath and a constant racing heart.  The last few days have been a little rough, but we are managing. Overall, I am doing pretty well!
Total weight gain/loss: 10 lbs @ 28 week appointment.
Maternity clothes? Yes.
Stretch marks? Same. Nothing new.
Sleep: Sleep is slightly better…mostly because all I seem to want to do is sleep. I’ve taken a couple naps the last few days.
Exercise: Walking and yoga when my heart allows.
Best moment this week: The last week has been full of “best moments.” My mother in law came to visit and let me tell you, I am so blessed! She went above and beyond to help get things ready for Caden so that there would be less to do once Daddy gets home. Then, my amazing WA family threw me a beautiful baby shower. Ladies – THANK YOU. And yesterday I got to see Caden at his 28 week growth scan (more on that below) and got a great report!
Movement: YES! This little man is kicking up a storm. He likes to punch me too – caught that on the ultrasound!
Food cravings: Anything cold, especially cold fruit.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Have you started to show yet: We are way past that.
Labor Signs: Noooo. Wayyy too early! I have a few braxton hicks here and there.
Belly Button in or out? It’s still kinda weird and in an in-between stage.
What I miss? My husband and my family. Oh, and being able to bend over. The struggle is getting real you guys!
What I’m loving? The fact that it’s JULY!!!
What I am looking forward to? SEEING MY HUSBAND!!!
Wedding rings on or off? Still off. The swelling is just too much.
Happy or Moody most of the time: I’ve had a few more “moodier” days recently. Mostly things like not being able to bend over, not having any shoes that fit me because my feet or swollen, or realizing that shirts that were too big last week barely even fit this week….can you see the trend? Stuff got real this past week. HA! Otherwise, I am pretty happy. I’ll probably be acting like a kid on crack for the next couple of weeks. You have been warned. 🙂
Weekly Wisdom: STOP telling women that they are “really pregnant.” Whether you mean it or not – it translates to “wow, you are huge” and let’s be real….not ok.
Milestones: THIRD TRIMESTER + IT’S JULY!!!! 

Other updates: I had Caden’s growth scan yesterday. It went really well for the most part. I have questioned my “due date” from the beginning mostly because I am pretty certain of when this little guy was conceived, but my original ultrasound (at 5 weeks) showed it being 8-10 days different so they went with that date.  Well wouldn’t ya know, Caden is measuring about 10 days ahead. He weights a little over 3 lbs and is in the 87th percentile. First, let me say PRAISE GOD! Our little man is growing and that is what is most important. NO signs of growth restriction. But…there is also a need to be pretty accurate with my due date, so we will be watching it and it may change. Stay tuned! Ohh….and because Caden is growing well and not much has changed with me, my doctor said that we can have a break from appointments until 32 weeks! THAT MEANS THREE WEEKS OF NO DOCTOR APPOINTMENTS!!!! You guys, I have been to the doctor at least once if not multiple times a week, almost every week since I was 5.5 weeks pregnant. Starting at 32 weeks we will start going 2-3 times a week for NSTs (non-stress tests), fluid checks, ultrasounds, and OB visits


Here are a few pictures from my baby shower! My sweet friend Moch surprised me and took these photos! Be sure to check out her work at Jon and Moch Photography because she is an AMAZING photographer, woman, and friend! Thank you, Moch!

I also want to thank each of the ladies that played a role in making this baby shower possible. Megan, Jillianne, Esha, Ashley, and Andrea – thank you! From the decor to the food and games, you ladies outdid yourselves. THANK YOU! To my mother in law, JoAnne, thank you for traveling all of this way to support me and Caden. You are already an amazing Grammy. Cathi, thank you for taking time to help Megan during your visit with her. Your help with various things throughout your visit means so much to me and my little family. To the rest of the ladies that came and to those that couldn’t…I couldn’t have gotten through the last six months of this pregnancy without you. Your friendship, support, and prayers have meant the world to me. It truly does take a village and I have the best. THANK YOU!

Luara Ryan - Baby Shower (4 of 34) Luara Ryan - Baby Shower (7 of 34) Luara Ryan - Baby Shower (12 of 34) Luara Ryan - Baby Shower (33 of 34)-1Luara Ryan - Baby Shower (19 of 34)-1Luara Ryan - Baby Shower (24 of 34)-1Luara Ryan - Baby Shower (27 of 34) Luara Ryan - Baby Shower (25 of 34)


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