I know, I know…I am three weeks behind. Sorry! Things have been kinda crazy around here.


How far along? 27 weeks!! Crazyyyy, right?
How am I feeling? Every day is a little bit different, but overall I feel pretty good. The fatigue is certainly picking up which I am sure is a combination of just being pregnant and not getting very good sleep. My heart rate continues to be high but we are managing my symptoms and honestly, kinda just getting used to it and accepting it as my new normal. I have also been dealing with a lot of itching. And when I say itching, I mean EXTREME itching. It came on fairly suddenly almost two weeks ago now and originally thought it was something I ate. But after no relief and it only getting worse I ended up making a trip to labor and delivery. They were clueless. It continued and two days later saw my OB and he had some concerns that it was more than a food allergy. The results from the tests he wanted to run take two weeks to come back and are still pending. I’m trying not to worry too much about it, so that’s all I’ll say for now, but as always your continued prayers are very much appreciated.
Total weight gain/loss: 7 lbs (maybe slightly more – that was a week ago).
Maternity clothes? Yes.
Stretch marks? Same. Nothing new.
Sleep: What’s that? Caden still likes to party at 3am and refuses to let me sleep on my left side. It’s a constant battle to get comfortable.
Exercise: Walking and yoga when my heart allows.
Best moment this week: It’s been a couple of weeks since I have updated so I’ll tell you a little bit about our trip to Cape Kiwanda, Oregon. My friend Megan and I went to get away for a couple of days. It was truly paradise. Megan commented that it was even more beautiful than places she had been in Hawaii. Seriously…it was breathtaking. Megan was also beyond good to me and took some maternity photos while we were there! Thank you Megan, I’ll treasure those images for years to come! You should also go check out here work at Megan Montalvo Photography!
Movement: YES! So much and it’s pretty consistent now!
Food cravings: Nothing new. I still love me some strawberry ice cream but the intense craving for it has subsided (for now).
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Have you started to show yet: We are way past that.
Labor Signs: Noooo. Wayyy too early! But I am about 95% sure I had my first braxton hicks last night…multiple actually.
Belly Button in or out? Neither? Sometimes it’s more in and sometimes it’s pretty flat. I am waiting for it to just come out any day now.
What I miss? My husband and my family. It’s been so long since I have seen any of them. I wish so badly I could share in some of these memories with them.
What I’m loving? Feeling this little guy move more and more.
What I am looking forward to? My mother in law comes to visit in a couple of days and my baby shower is on Saturday! ANDDDDDD something else but I can’t tell you yet! 🙂
Wedding rings on or off? Still off. I try every day but the swelling is just not going to allow it.
Happy or Moody most of the time: I’m still pretty happy but also having days here and there where I know I am on the verge or losing it…although I am not so sure that’s pregnancy related so much as it is just really missing my husband. See a trend here? But it’s going to be over soon! PRAISE JESUS!
Weekly Wisdom: Everyone should have a dog and live in WA. I’m convinced they have to be easier than 10 newborns. Okay, not really…but seriously…these two are OUT OF CONTROL lately. Who wants a dog?
Milestones: Ladies and gentlemen……we bought a crib. Now, that may seem like a normal thing to do, but for two people that can’t agree on anything when it comes to furniture or decorating, this is what we call a milestone! HA!

I think that’s all for now! Back to OB on Friday and then we have another growth ultrasound next week.

Have a wonderful week and I’ll be sure to update as we know more or I decide to take another picture!


*Note these photos are from 25 weeks but not much has changed. Also note…pregnancy is good for the hair they say, but this is all due to my talented friend, Jackie Peterson, of Jacqueline Marie Studios. She needed a hair model for extensions so I get to sport this look for a few months! 

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