
How far along? 21 weeks, 5 days!!
How am I feeling? Tired. So tired. But other than that I am feeling pretty good!! I’ve started having a lot of hip/lower back discomfort over the last couple weeks. I am seeing my chiropractor and he thinks I have a pinched nerve. It comes and goes but it’s definitely worse after sitting for a while or after my photoshoots. I have a brace to wear to see if it helps, so we will see.
Total weight gain/loss: I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight + 1 lb
Maternity clothes? Yes.
Stretch marks? Yes. Breast growth = stretch marks.
Sleep: Not so good. It’s taking me longer to fall asleep. I am also waking up more through the night and finding it hard to go back to sleep.
Exercise: Still limited to walking. I have started doing some yoga to help with my lower back/hip discomfort.
Best moment this week: Oh goodness, this week was filled with a lot of exciting moments! On Mother’s Day Caden decided to give me his first good movement. I felt him maybe twice? Then the next day it was like a switch was flipped and he went wild. Seriously. It started about 11:30 at night and for a good two hours I just watched my belly because you could see it. So of course we sent Dad a nice little video of little man kicking me. I think he was pretty proud. Ha!
Movement: YES! It’s quite possibly the strangest but most miraculous thing I have went through so far.
Food cravings: I still crave hamburgers. I also NEEDED pizza this week. Specifically Papa John’s crust with garlic sauce.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Chicken is still hit or miss. I have found I can eat small amounts of it but too much at once or too many meals in a row and it doesn’t go well.
Have you started to show yet: Weeks ago.
Labor Signs: Noooo. Wayyy too early!
Belly Button in or out? In. But it’s definitely changing.
What I miss? The same as usual. My husband, sleeping on my stomach, and working out. I really miss my gym girls!
What I’m loving? The rain this weekend! It was a nice break from the spring weather.
What I am looking forward to? Getting this heart monitor off tomorrow! It’s been two weeks and it’s quite the hassle to shower and it just itches ALL the time.
Wedding rings on or off? On during the day and off at night (this was a norm pre-pregnancy…my hands like to swell at night).
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy most of the time. I did have a fairly stressful week and I found myself getting more upset than I normally would. All is good now. I think I got it out of my system…or at least for now!
Weekly Wisdom: Not sure I have anything? Any wise tips you want to share? 
Milestones: We have officially crossed the half-way point!

Other updates: Caden and I have had a busy week! This past Monday was his growth ultrasound. Let me just tell you….God answers prayers AND then some. We have been praying that Caden would be big because the doctors have prepared us for a small, growth restricted baby. Well, ladies and gentlemen, Caden weighed 1lb 1oz putting him in the 98th percentile for being 21 weeks. Let’s just say I have reevaluated my prayers and now we are just asking for a healthy baby….dropping the “big” detail. Ha! In all seriousness though, it was a huge relief. The doctors told us that he was likely going through a growth spirt and not actually that big, but more importantly, they could be confident in knowing he isn’t showing any signs of restriction at this point. That can change at any point and he will continue to be monitored closely, but we are claiming the victory for now! The rest of his ultrasound looked great. We were told going in that they may or may not be able to get a good look at his heart this early, but they were able to see everything. The next growth ultrasound is at 28 weeks!

I just love this little guy!!! He loves to suck on his hand and he does not like to give it up! The tech had to move him around for a good 10 minutes to get him to move his hands so she could measure them. Silly boy!

As for me and my heart rate control, I am still going through testing. I had my echo last week and I have had the zio heart patch on for almost two weeks now (it gets sent off tomorrow and takes two weeks to get the results back). My rate it still fairly high but I am learning to control it or at least manage the symptoms. I also got a call that my doctor wants me to see an electrophysiologist as well. We played phone tag on Friday so I will just touch base with on Monday. I don’t know much right now but will update as I get the results back.

What’s next? Lots of appointments. This little guy keeps me busy!

I think that’s all for now. Thank you all for your prayers. We can feel them and we are so thankful for each and every one of you. Your messages, calls, and visits mean so much.

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