Two Months!

My sweet, sweet boy, you are two months old. I am not sure where the time is going or how you are growing so fast, but you are. It’s so fun watching you grow and discover new things! You weigh 12lbs 8oz and 23.5 inches long (although this is questionable because you were 23.5 at one month and you have definitely grown). Oh, and son, your head is in the 85th percentile.


This month started off with your first “see you soon” with Daddy. It was a very bittersweet moment. Sweet seeing your Daddy love you so much, but definitely bitter having to watch him walk away. But my goodness, you have learned to facetime like a champ! I swear you know when it’s Daddy calling too because you always perk right up for him. I don’t love that it seems like you always have a phone in front of your face, but I am thankful for technology that allows you to connect with your Daddy. You also get a lot of facetiming in with your grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, and friends. Baby boy, you are so loved.

You are talking so much and you smile all the time! It melts my heart every single time. You are pretty clever too. You seem to know exactly when to smile at Mama – like when it’s 3am and you don’t want to sleep or when you have been cluster feeding all day and Mama thinks she can’t go on another second nursing. Speaking of nursing, you are doing SOOOO much better. It was like you woke up one day and suddenly had a perfect latch. Mama is so glad she didn’t give up.

We are still working on your tummy troubles. Your gas pains are slowly getting better, but your reflux is still causing you a lot of discomfort. Some days it doesn’t seem to be a problem at all, but other days you are screaming in pain every time you eat, burp, or even yawn. Your doctor isn’t too concerned about it yet since you are growing. She thinks it’s something you are going to work through as a newborn, but she did increase your medicine slightly, so Mama is hopeful that will help!

You are sleeping better and better each week. A couple weeks ago you started sleeping from 10-3 most nights, and then you usually are up at 5, and then around 7 you are ready to start your day! I can handle that. You continue to love music, bathtime, tummy time, going on walks, and laying on your changing pad (so random!). You still aren’t the biggest fan of getting dressed,  having your diaper changed, or being put in your car-seat (but you are fine once you are in it and we are moving).  And my goodness, you are the king of blowouts. There is no in between for you. Mama has learned to have three extra outfits for you, a couple for herself, and a lot of extra diapers and wipes in the car anytime we go anywhere.

I love how you stretch. It’s by far the cutest thing you do, especially when you are waking up. You arch your back, put your hands up by your face, and pucker your lips. The expressions you make are priceless. You squint your forehead and raise your right eyebrow. I wish I knew what was going on in that little head of yours! You have also discovered your hands this month and will finally hold onto Mama’s finger. It seems so small, but I was waiting for the day you would just cling to my finger.

You are changing so much and so fast. This coming month is going to be a big one. You are taking your first airplane ride  to go see Daddy! We are also going on your first roadtrip to see some of your family in Kansas City for Thanksgiving. I cannot wait to see how you do and continue to make memories!

You are the sweetest boy, Caden. We love you more than you will ever know. Always and forever.


Mama and Daddy

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