My handsome, you are three months old! HOW? My goodness, it’s the greatest joy getting to watch you grow. You weigh 14lbs 3oz and I am sure you have gotten a little taller as well! You wear 0-3, 3, and some 3-6 month clothes – it all depends on the brand.

This month you went on your first airplane to see Daddy! You did so good (minus the major blowouts – with one going from head to toe – yes, it was down in your toes). You were a champ for our road trips too. We went to Enid to visit with some of friends and spent Thanksgiving in Kansas City with some of Daddy’s cousins. I hope that you grow up to love traveling like your Daddy and I do!

Sadly, you also experienced your first cold and your first trip to the ER. We were concerned the flight had done something to your ear because you were miserable and not like yourself. The doctor reassured us you were okay, just really congested and probably had a lot of pressure in your ears, but then gave us quite a scare with a “harsh” description of a heart murmur. It’s since been evaluated and your pediatrician does not agree, but will continue to monitor it. You are one healthy little boy! Praise Jesus!

You are becoming quite the little talker and your smile continues to melt my heart. You have little dimples developing above your lips. It’s seriously the cutest. You still love to go on walks, read books (the brighter the better), play in the bathtub, and lay on your changing table. This month you have decided that being on your tummy is no longer fun, but we are still working on it. You are SO close to rolling over. You roll to your side and kick like crazy, but haven’t quite figured out how to finish rolling over. That’s okay though, I can wait for you to grow up a little bit longer. You are have found your hands and now you like to put BOTH of them in your mouth. Silly boy!

Your tummy is continuing to improve every day. Mama tried to have some dairy but your tummy didn’t seem to love it, so I will wait on that. Your reflux is still a battle, but we take it one day at a time. Sleep. Let’s talk about your sleeping because you are totally a sleeping champ! When we came back from OK, it was easy to start putting you down earlier because you were still on that schedule and we went with it. Most nights you are in bed by 8:30 and sleep until 7:30/8. Prior to this week you were waking 1-2 times to eat but since you started sleeping in your crib this week, you are sleeping through the night! The transition to your crib was easy. Almost too easy. We are so proud of you!

We have another big month coming up – your first Christmas and your first New Years! This year is going to be extra special. I still can’t believe you are here and you are ours! You are the sweetest boy, Caden. We love you more than you will ever know. Always and forever.


Mama and Daddy

The sweetest details I never want to forget. The way you grasp my finger now, sweet son, is something that I will cherish forever. I pray that you will always know that your Mama is here for you.

^ This is by far one of my favorite photos of Caden ever. There is a sweetness on his face that I just cannot get enough of!

& we have determined that the yawn is Caden’s signature look

oh, and a little silly too!

One thought on “THREE MONTHS!!!

  1. I Love these monthly updates and random fb chats so I don’t have to feel like I’m missing out on so much there and vice versa. I want Caden to know grandadmamma’s face and voice so when he sees me the 1st time for real he will be so excited ?❤

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