My sweet handsome boy, you are 4 months old already (well a couple of weeks ago, but it’s been crazy town here so I am just now writing your blog post). Photos were taken at 4 months though, so Mama get’s some redemption points there! You weigh 16lbs (62nd percentile), 26 3/4 in long (93rd percentile no surprise there), and son…your head is still quite large in the 92nd percentile. You are all over the place with the clothes you can wear: some 3-6 month, 6 month, and a few 6-9 month things.

This month was a crazy one for sure! You have grown so much. I know that I say it 100 times a day, but time seriously needs to slow down. The day before you turned 4 months you rolled over for the first time and it wasn’t with your Mama or Daddy. When I found out, my heart sank, but I was also so proud of you! You are rolling all the time from your back to tummy, but still figuring out how to roll from your tummy back to your back. You will do it in your crib, but not on the floor.

You have discovered your feet and it’s pretty amazing how flexible you are.  It’s a struggle to keep socks on you and you are definitely a fan of that big toe. Your eyes are still as blue as ever and your hair is starting to have a reddish tint to it on the ends. The dimples above your lips when you laugh seriously melts Mama’s heart. It may be my favorite feature of yours right now. Oh, and those eye lashes – they are so long! I know I am biased, but son, you are still the most handsome little boy I’ve ever seen!

You are also sleeping in your crib now! We truly thought you were ready and made the decision to sleep train you this past month. You took to it well and within a couple of days you were taking all of your naps and sleeping at night in your crib. You take 3-4 naps a day and you still wake up 1-2 times a night, with the occasional all nighter! You are such a good sleeper, especially now that you can sleep on your tummy. When you are awake you love to play on your mat and with your balls, listen to music, and look at your books. Bath-time is still your favorite time of day!

This month marked another huge milestone for you and I both. I started working again and you go to your sitter…or rather the best neighbor/friend/Auntie twice a week! You love it there. You are always giggling when I come to pick you up and love playing with your pal, Lincoln. I can see you two getting into mischief together before long. We are so blessed that so many people love you so well!

You were also dedicated at church this month, Caden. You don’t know what that means right now, but sweet boy, I pray that you grow up to know, love, and serve the Lord. That’s my greatest prayer for you, son, and so many others are praying the same. You are blessed and you are loved more than you know, but one day you will.


& have you ever seen sweeter baby toes? I think not!

We cannot wait to see what all you do next month! We love you more than you will ever know. Always and forever.


Mama and Daddy

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