One Month!!

How are you already one month old, my son?


You already weigh 9lbs 7oz and you are 23.5 inches long….that’s 1lb 11oz and 3 inches in one month. You are growing so fast – it’s bittersweet. I love watching you grow but I also want you to stay my baby forever. Can you do that for Mama? Dressing you is a bit of challenge because you are so long. You are still wearing mostly newborn clothes, but a lot of your clothes (the outfits with footies in them) don’t fit you because your legs are too long.

Your first month of life has been pretty tough on you at times. We spent the first 10 days feeding you with a syringe because you were too sleepy from being jaundiced. But once your levels went down, you started being more and more alert and nursing like a champ. Your tummy has also given you a lot of trouble.  Mama has cut out all dairy and the doctors decided it was time to also start you on reflux medicine. To their surprise, your discomfort hasn’t stopped you from eating!

Despite your tummy troubles you are quite the happy little boy. You are seeing better, much more alert, and love to laugh at your Daddy when he pinches your cheeks. You also love morning snuggles with Daddy. Seeing you and your Daddy together is my absolute favorite. He loves you so well.

You are quite the noise bucket – your Dad and I are convinced you sound like a horse at times…and you have even snorted a few times. Silly boy, you sure know how to make us laugh! Oh, and the faces you make – they are absolutely precious, especially the way you pucker your lips when you are waking up. You aren’t a fan of being swaddled and you are most content when you can have your hands up by your face.

You love to listen to worship music in the morning with Mama. Without fail, every time I kiss you, it looks like you are winking at me. You sure know how to melt your Mama’s heart. Nursing has been hard, but Mama is determined to work through it. I really do love that time with you. I call you handsome way more than I call you Caden…so much so you are probably going to think it’s your name.

You aren’t a fan of having your diaper changed, wearing clothes, or laying on your back. You prefer to be naked, love the bath, and love laying on your tummy. You are only one month old, but you most definitely have some pretty strong opinions. I wonder who you get that from?

You have had a lot of visitors and you spend a lot of time face-timing with family. You are quite the popular little guy!

You are everything we prayed for, Caden. We love you more than you will ever know. Always and Forever.


Mama and Daddy